Modular Railroading
at its Best
Site Last Updated
23 July 2003
FCSME Member: Bill Carl
M o d u l a r R a i l r o a d i n g a t i t s B e s t
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Welcome to my tiny corner of the web. I am currently building modules that depict a part of the Magnolia Cutoff on the B&O. The location is 26 miles east of Cumberland. I am building the Magnolia Bridge, Graham Tunnel, and Kessler Bridge. You can visit here to see their progress using the link to left. Also, as I get the energy I have been documenting a couple of how-to projects. You can see them using the link on the left. Below are a few pictures of things to come....
Some of my better efforts... a Western Maryland GP40 and
C&O SD40 cross Magnolia Bridge
(click on picture for a larger view)
A little ballast and this could be anywhere in West-By-God-Virginia
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An SD40 rests between pusher duties
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I love the rocks and trees (see my how to clinic)
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Can you spot the serious railfans?
(click on picture for a larger view)
Judging from the trail behind them, this place is frequented often.
(click on picture for a larger view)
Another railfan shot
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I love the trees and bushes... but I need some ballast!
(click on picture for a larger view)
A local with a C&O GP40 on the head end crosses Magnolia Bridge.
(click on picture for a larger view)